Bad Day in Al-Khalas

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10/09/2031: 1300: Members of Commando Global Solutions initiate an assault on a building belonging to Shyluz Air and Space Command in central Vorota. Members of the Assault team use threats and non-lethal equipment to make entry to the secure rooms containing access to Rettung's Mimir program (a worldwide surveillance network that Shyluz is a partner in).

10/09/2031: 1304: Rettung Military Command is informed of the assault. Rettung SOF in country are deployed to assist Interior Security troops.

10/09/2031: 1305: Rettung begins the process of disconnecting Shyluz from the network. However due to the design, it will take several minutes to completely block all connections from Shyluz.

10/09/2021: 1306: A light aircraft claiming distress lands at Vorota International airport. Due to the ongoing situation, it is parked at the far end of the runway, close to an access gate.

10/09/2021: 1310: Local law enforcement begin their assault but come under accurate sniper and machine gun fire and are forced to withdraw.

10/09/2021: 1313: First unit of the Internal Security forces (based at the nearby Ministry of Defence HQ) arrives on scene. Several transports are damaged by a light AT weapon while disembarking troops.

10/09/2021: 1315: Rettung finally cuts the connection to the Mimir system.

10/09/2021: 1325: Interior Security troops are able to enter the building and begin room clearing. No sign of attackers.

10/09/2021: 1335: Interior Security troops discover underground tunnel access hatches have been opened, explaining lack of CGS members.

10/09/2021: 1345: Two SUVs crash through the access gate at Vorota International Airport and stop close to the unidentified light aircraft. Multiple armed men, assumed to be members of Commando Global Solutions attempt to board the aircraft but only one is allowed to enter. The plane takes off before

10/09/2021: 1347: The two SUVs leave the airport and blend into traffic before Interior Security locks down the road network around Vorota

10/09/2021: 1400: Unidentified light aircraft is shot down while heading towards the Emirates of Bazistan border after failing to obey instructions from Shyluz Air Force Mig 29s.

10/09/2021: 1900: Rettung SOF provide local access to Mimir to Republic of Shyluz MOD to assist with tracking down the attackers

10/09/2021: 2000: 1st Airmobile Division, ROS Army prepares a sweep operation to begin early next morning around suspected areas

11/09/2021: 0530: Airmobile troops insert into target area and begin their search.

11/09/2021: 0600: Troops on foot enter the abandoned border village of Al-Khalas, unaware that CGS elements have prepared a defence of the area.


ROS Army - 1st Airmobile Division

Scout Team

Assault Team

Base of Fire Team

CGS Alpha Team

Elite Operators