We’re partway through the month, and this week we’re getting some new releases, new previews and more! Read on for all the details.
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Updates Website and Deploys Tier 1 Operators

Spectre Miniatures has relaunched its website with a brand-new look. Gone is the white background and unclickable images, now we have a black background and the ability to blow the images up to see all the detail. There has also been a re-arranging of the item categories to match the new release of rules, making it much easier to find forces that fit the newest version of the rules. Speaking of, the rules and all additional elements will be much easier to find
However, the bigger news is a brand-new release. Replacing the old Tier 1 set is a brand-new version, giving you a set equipped with the latest gear from the Shotshow floor. The new Q Boombox (a variant of the Honey Badger design chambered in 8.6mm Blackout) outfits all of the squad, while two specialists are additionally armed with an M320 with smart munitions and another with the Gen-12, a shotgun based around the AR-10 receiver. The team itself is wearing tactical clothing and chest rigs designed to blend in during operations requiring a low profile. There is a good mix of gear and heads throughout the squad, ideal for your team of custom operators doing sneaky business. The pack of six figures is currently available from the Spectre store and are cast resin multi-part figures.
Gunslinger Reveals Team Arachnid

Gunslinger is continuing along with a brand new set. Team Arachnid is the first set of figures from Contiki with Carbines, a concept Anton has been working on for quite a while. Armed up with a selection of Assault Rifles, MP7 SMGs and a machine gun, these are some good old boys pulled out of retirement to back to mercenary work. There are some great details on these boys, including with both a large fellow on the machine gun as well as the injured veteran with his prosthetic. There is one more figure coming with this set, and they should be released on the 15th.
Additionally, next month will see the arrival of Team Amoeba. No other details have been released on these guys so watch this space.
Black Powder Red Earth Shows Off Figures From Spearhead

Patron backers of Black Powder Red Earth have been given a preview of all the figures coming with Spearhead. Across the 28 figures you’ll see new fighters for Scorch and Hongbin, as well as the new factions. Painted up by Breezy from the Patreon, these figures show off the lovely detail common to all BPRE figures, as well as some of the intended paint schemes. For example, the figures above are Nitto Systems Operators, complete with their pair of Desert Tiger Stripe up top and multicam black below. Spearhead is intended for a release in March.
Combat Octopus Prepares The Heavy Weapons

Combat Octopus has been hammering through his work on this month’s release, preparing a set of Russian heavy weapons for the tabletop. So far, the NSV and AT-4 Spigot are basically complete, while the AGS-17 is well on its way. As you can see, these pieces are looking great, perfect kits to add to your toolbox. Additionally, as the Combat Octopus releases are modular, these could be very handy for anyone wanting to expand their vehicle mounts.
Modern Miniatures Starts On The Afghan Compound

Modern Miniatures this month is making an Afghan Compound set and has released a first preview over on Patreon. Most of it is Patreon exclusive (such as the compound walls, structures and other pieces) but we do have a public preview of this expansion piece for the modular dirt roads Modern Miniatures has released previously, giving you a small bridge to add to your setups.
Urban Scatter Playing Around With The Favela Cemetary

Finally, Urban Scatter Gaming has been playing around with the Favela Cemetery and posted some images on the Facebook Page. Showing off the collection of walls, tombs and gravestones, this set is going to be pretty great. Even if you’re not re-enacting Army Of Two: The Devil’s Cartel, the rough walls will be very useful for adobe structures the world over. As always, it’s great to see the test prints already looking great, so stand by for a full release later this month.

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