What is this website? This is ChargeBlog, a blog documenting my time wargaming, complete with all the various projects I’ve been involved with.
Who is in charge of it? Me, Michael Charge. You can find out more on the About page.
I like your painting! Can you do something as a commission for me? Thanks for liking my painting. Sadly I currently have no interest in painting for anyone else. I’d rather be painting just for me!
How do you make money from this site? I have a Ko-Fi page where you can throw a few quid my way if you like my stuff.
You could do a kickstarter/patreon! First of all, not a question. Second, I already do! My Patreon is over at https://www.patreon.com/ChargeBlog and functions as a tip jar.
Can I send you something to review/consult on? Drop me an email (using the “Contact” link in the header) to discuss it.
Who do you work for in the wargames industry? No one. This blog is a side project, a way of taking my hobby further and acting as a resource for anyone interested in wargaming. I am not employed by anyone in the wargaming industry. I have partnered with people who I detail below!
Who have you worked with? This is a list of all the companies I have done work with in the wargames industry as a contractor/consultant:
- Radio Dishdash – Co-authored Plausible Deniability, written several other published scenarios
- Spectre Miniatures – Beta tested V1 rules, general consultation on modern wargaming
- Covert Intervention Games – general consultation on modern wargaming
- Supreme Littleness Designs – consultation on modern 28mm buildings range
- Flytrap Digital – Consultation on ultramodern wargaming, concept development and feedback on Gunslinger