February is half over but the world of Ultramodern gaming doesn’t stop. We have previews and releases galore, with all the usual suspects delivering the latest. Read on for more!
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Spectre Miniatures Deploys a Pile Of Russian Previews
First up, Spectre Miniatures has been hard at work getting figures ready together for what is looking like the biggest release the company has done so far.

First up, figure previews – we have a pair to look at, showing you some of the Russian-specific gear Spectre is working with. On the left, we have a Breacher model with the good old ShAK-12 heavy assault rifle (a favourite of Spectre) combined with a new model fragmentation suit and heavy body armour, as well as a visor mounted to the helmet. This guy is definitely an evolution of the old Spetznatz CQB teams from 2017, evolved with the latest kit.
On the right, we have a regular Russian infantry figure with an RPG-30. This is a portable disposable anti-tank system, complete with a precursor round in the smaller tube that fires first to distract Active Protection Systems before the tandem round slams through. Ideal for adding to your troops, these launchers will make even the regular infantry a potential threat to main battle tanks.

Of course, a big thing about any kind of Russian release is the vehicles that come with it. Spectre has previously released a BTR-82A back in January 2019 but it hasn’t yet returned to the webstore after it ran out of stock. However, it looks like it’s going to be returning, as well as coming back with a brand new variant – the BTR-BM is an updated version of the basic BTR-82A with a brand new turret with a 30mm cannon, ATGM mounts and improved optics. as with the infantry, it’s great to see the updates also coming across the the vehicles.
Bobmack3d Completes The Schwerpunkt With Great Success

Small update but Bobmack3d’s latest Kickstarter closed out at the end of last week. At 708% funded it’s done rather well, not only releasing a pile of vehicles from the last Cold War but also coming with crew figures thanks to Combat Octopus. We’re still waiting for the exact list of models finished (as money sent to CO for his add-on aren’t counted against the total for stretch goals) but it’s going to be almost everything aside from the Roland Missile on the Marder chassis. It’s going to be roughly 3 weeks before all the stretch goals are prepared, but once Kickstarter passes over the cash, backers will get their new vehicle park.
Gunslinger Releases Team Arachnid, Previews Amoeba

Last week saw Gunslinger release the latest set, Team Arachnid from the Contiki range. These six figures are armed and equipped with a variety of AR15s and additional weapons such as marksman rifles and SMGs. These figures are already with the Patreon backers and will be coming to MMF and Print on Demand (via Strange Plastic) soon.

We also had a first preview of next month’s release, the Amoeba Initiative. These guys are a Russian-inspired PMC operating cross-border on US soil, partially inspired by a certain game about ultramodern scavengers. Stand by for more details soon.
Combat Octopus Continues Work On The Weapons Team

Combat Octopus has been busy working for Bobmack and finishing the German crew but he’s still been working hard on the upcoming release. With the weapons done, it’s now time to work on the crew, preparing posed figures to get to work. This gunner on the AGS-17 is really leaning into it, fighting the recoil to keep the grenade launcher on track.
We also have some upcoming votes for the theme of the next two months. We’re currently in phase 1, with 4 different options, but unless one topic gets over 50% we’ll move into a second round. Currently general-purpose criminals (a rather wide topic) is leading with 39% but German EGB Fallschrimjager is snapping at their heels.
Modern Miniatures Shows Off Complete Compound

Modern Miniatures has shown off its upcoming release with two Afghan compounds fully painted up. Both compounds actually work together, with the roofs matching together letting you build up a table with a selection of these buildings very easily. Additionally, thanks to mirroring with 3D printing, you can then make it even more so. There are still a few more previews to come with this set, before it’s released next month.
Skullforge Studios Releases Their New Ultramodern Range “Protocol”

Skullforge Studios announced last year that, with the ongoing world situation, they were going to take a sidestep with their Ultramodern-themed releases (sounds familiar). They have decided to go a more horror/SCP-focused route, preparing operators suitable for combating supernatural terrors. As well as some hideous creatures (and some Helldivers), the latest release includes Control Team Red Edge. These guys are some Ultramodern-looking operators, with a mix of AR-15s and (strangely) HK33 rifles with a shotgun for close encounters. The team are also joined by a supernatural specialist who may not be useful for your modern wars but could be cool if SCP is your thing
Turnbase Prepares More Russian Vehicles

Turnbase Miniatures has also returned to show off the other vehicle coming in the next release. Alongside the VDV typhoon, it seems that a bastardised version of the BTR-82A with the turret of the BTR-87 will be coming to give you the larger vehicle. It also seems that next month’s release is up for discussion, so time to go take a look!
Urban Scatter Gaming Releases Compound Walls

Finally, Urban Scatter Gaming has released the first release for this month, giving you a pack of wall pieces suitable for building up your adobe compounds. With 14 pieces, this set comes with plenty of options and would fit all over the world. The pieces themselves are hollow, so ideal for printing without using all your resin. There are two other sets coming this month and everything will come to the Urban Scatter Gumroad later at slightly increased pricing.

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