Two days later than usual, it’s time for a stuffed edition of The News Stand. Some big news this week – the end of the Spectre Patreon, pre-orders for BPRE: Spearhead open up and more!
The reason this week’s edition was delayed was that yesterday was my Grandad’s memorial service, having passed away at the start of February after a long illness in his early 90s. If you’ll forgive me, I’m just going to take a little moment to write about him, so if you’re only here for the news, you can skip forward.
However, my Grandad played a pretty key part in me becoming the person I am today and especially the person you all see on this blog. Some of my earliest memories come from sitting in his office on his computer with a binder full of games, including Close Combat A Bridge Too Far, a game that I think is responsible for my interest in history, my love for wargames and my obsession with playing (and eventually working in) video games. Having done his national service in the RAF as an armourer, before going on to work at companies such as Rolls Royce and Lucas Aerospace as an engineer (and working on projects such as the Harrier and Concorde), he helped to raise me with a love for all things aviation, both in the real world at countless air shows and museums, and in the digital world. He loved flight sims, and I would spend hours sitting with him and various editions of Microsoft Flight Simulator (some combat, some not). He and my Nanna also played a key role in nurturing my love for wargaming and the hobby – I can still remember rushing in during my weekly visit to plop down in the lounge and break out the paints for the Lord of the Rings figures I had (there is still some brown paint on the dust cover for that particular table where I had a midsession spill) before putting them into battle across the same table, only tidying up when it was time for dinner. He had a pretty terrifying work ethic, eventually forming his own company and still running an electrical component assembly business out of his garage until he was in his 80’s (giving me a chance to help out over my summer breaks from time to time). Even close to the end, he was still excited when I would tell him about the things I’d been up to – as someone who had worked in engineering, he was fascinated by 3D printing, excited to see the products my Saturn could make.
I’m going to miss him. But there is a lifetime of good memories I have of him to take comfort in and the knowledge that he’d want me to keep pushing and continue making my own thing. I’m also reminded of him every time I sit down in my office – he left me his simulation kit, a Saitek yoke, throttle and rudder pedals that sit under my desk, all ready to continue our shared love for all things that fly.
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Has A Collection Of Little Updates
No “new” releases from Spectre Miniatures in the last few weeks but some interesting moves.

First up, it seems that with Spectre’s move to Resin and Print on Demand we’re getting some improvements to the older 3D sculpted releases. As you can see above on the figure from the Criminal Element Heavies Squad, the team at Spectre are upgrading them with some minor tweaks that help to keep them up to date – magazine pouches now contour to the plate carrier, the kneepads fit more naturally, the hand gripping the plate carrier is now holding the radio. Additionally, the figure is now on the smaller foot puddle bases rather than the single large base, making things slightly easier for the lunatics using clear bases.

Speaking of earlier 3D sculpted models, the weekend also saw the end of the Spectre Miniatures Patreon. For a long time it was still running, letting people pay in a relatively small amount to unlock every figure that had been released during its life span. Well, that route is now closed. Unfortunately, the delay in this post means the other route, a limited-time digital offering has also been closed. This bundle was sold over the weekend, costing a chunk more than a month of the Patreon and has now been closed. I’d say it’s a pretty chunky bundle, although lacking the ability to make full forces with multiple elements due to the nature of the Patreon – it was designed to augment the existing physical releases, providing figures you were unlikely to buy in large numbers.
I still have mixed feelings about the Spectre Patreon. I think it did a great job of keeping Spectre going through a difficult time. There are also some great figures released (the CIA SAD figure with the AK is one of my personal favourites). Still, I think for many people it is a bit of a sore spot – missed promises, a poor release schedule that often saw figures coming out at the end of the month and a lack of good comms left many of the more dedicated people in the community (aka their biggest fans) feeling less than impressed with Spectre. Seeing it finally closed out entirely is the end of this particular chapter.

In the few last days via the Instagram stories on the Spectre page, we got some more hints that we’re about to get some more Force Builders for Spectre Operations V3. Based on the preview images above, the Law Enforcement and Criminals will be getting one each, but more exciting is the brand new Russians shown in the render, giving you the parts needed to assemble a non-Western task force. It’s going to be interesting to see how the Russian Force Builder covers the variety of forces being included in the release (such as Motor Rifle and SSO and FSB AND mercenaries) but will also (if it works) be a good sign of just how flexible the system can be.

Speaking of the upcoming release, according to the latest Instagram post, the Russians aren’t Rushing to come out… Okay sorry about that. The Russian release has been pushed back a week (which isn’t surprising based on the sheer amount of stuff supposedly coming out) but that hasn’t stopped a new preview. The Heavy Breacher team are decked from head to foot in the new frag suits and armour (including the visor-equipped helmets). Gun-wise, while the lead figure has his PP-2000 alongside the VANT shield, the figures behind him are equipped with the SR-3MP, complete with the alternative stock on the bottom of the grip to allow its use with a visor. These guys look like they are going to be very interesting when they release, so it’s worth keeping an eye on Spectre.
Flytrap Digital Announces Something With Strange Plastic and The Solo Wargamer

Earlier today, Flytrap Digital announced a partnership with Strange Plastic in the US and The Solo Wargamer. We don’t have any more details for the moment (more coming soon) but seeing as Strange Plastic provides Print on Demand for Flytrap’s figures and The Solo Wargamer has his system Haywire, you can make some assumptions about a new one-stop shop for Ultramodern Wargaming, with Flytrap Digital’s figures being released physically and designed to work with some version of Haywire. It’s going to be interesting to see as Haywire’s current edition is riddled with copyrighted artwork but I assume this partnership will hopefully go some way to navigate that legal minefield. As always, it will be exciting to see what comes next!
BPRE28mm Spearhead Bundles Available To Patrons Right Now

Big news for the BPRE28mm fans – Echelon has released the first bundles for the upcoming Spearhead release exclusively to patrons via the secret merch store. These bundles are the complete bundle for Spearhead, a bundle minus the book (seeing as Surveillance tier Patrons get the book as one of their perks) and a complete expansion bundle that includes both Spearhead and Phaseline, ideal to purchase alongside the Complete Target Package if you want to get into the game from scratch. These bundles will be released publicly around March 7th, after Adepticon where Echelon will be attending to show off the new game.
Seeing as I’m already pretty deep in with this game, it makes sense for me to complete the collection with the final set. That may sound like I’m resigned to it (like an addict sliding into his plastic crack) but I think that Spearhead is going to be an excellent addition to the core gameplay that I am excited to get my hands on, especially having read through the book’s PDF. The new factions help to expand the cut and thrust of the core two forces (well three if you separate Hongbin from the Aayari Guard) while also (along with some new maps) expanding the possibilities of the earlier modes Raid and Phaseline. The new campaign however feels like it will be the gem of this set, giving you a way of playing that models the horrifying conflicts shown in the books released so far.
Enemy Spotted Studios Reveal March Tribes Figures

Enemy Spotted Studios has revealed next month’s release for tribes, bringing a set of female MENA fighters inspired by the Kurdish YPG (or particularly a certain film). This set of six figures are dressed with local clothing and limited tactical gear, with a mix of poses and a UGL to give them some support weapons. This is a good little set that would mix in well with other insurgent figures sold by both ESS and other people, so it may be worth taking a look at the tribes release.
Black Hills Games Previews February Release

Black Hills Games has shown off an image of his February release, coming imminently. I’ll probably put this post up mere moments before he actually releases the figures (he has a habit of sniping my news posts) but I’m happy to announce it is a set of British Infantry Specialists to accompany last month’s riflemen. The set has a good mix, with two figures with NLAWs, two figures with UGLs under their L85s and an NCO figure with hand on radio. There are also going to be two additional figures included, one with the sharpshooter rifle the L129A1 and another with the classic GPMG (having returned to section-level usage after the Minimi was retired post-Afghanistan). These figures will be available on Gumroad very soon after the Patreon release, ideal for those wanting to buy a la carte.
Combat Octopus Prepares Final Run For Russian Heavy Weapons

Combat Octopus is also getting ready for the final releases in this month’s set. In addition to the three heavy support weapons, the set will also include a seated marksman figure with the usual variety of weapons (in this case a scoped AK and an SVD). The release may be a little delayed as CO finishes his work, but as you can see the quality speaks for itself.

The crewmen of the other weapons have also been finished, complete with all the little details for Russian fighters in Chechnya. I think this set is going to be a great third part to the infantry figures from the last two months, allowing you to really build up a force with both rifle squads and the support they would have on many operations.
Modern Miniatures Shows Off Next Month’s Compounds

Modern Miniatures is also showing off next month’s releases in the flesh, all painted up for some beauty shots. The Afghan Compounds (seen here nestled amongst the 3d printed road pieces and populated by Empress Taliban) are looking pretty sweet all painted up, ideal for getting on the table ASAP. The full release is going to have plenty of other items with it, so standby for the release of the renders in a few days.
Turnbase Miniatures Releases January Release

A little delayed but Turnbase Miniatures has released the vehicles intended for January patrons. With the Typhoon for Tier 3 and the BTR-80 with the upgraded turret for Tier 2, this set is handy for players looking for something different for their Russian forces. Stand by for details on what February’s release will be.
Urban Scatter Releases Two More Sets for February

Urban Scatter Gaming has also finished the month with the last two pieces of the February release. The first was something to fill the cemetery walls released last week, with a collection of assets ideal for a cemetery. Although very much designed for South/Central America, some of these pieces would be great for other locations around the world, and the gunfight through the cemetery is a popular trope.

The final release of the month was the urban garage set, giving you options for both the single and double-door garages. Both buildings come with multiple variants for things like door designs and levels of damage. In addition, you need just the right level of crap to fill your garage, be it a collection of ladders, cardboard boxes, paint tins and even the golf clubs. The guttering is a useful addition, something easy to miss when adding the final touches. As always, these pieces (and the compound walls) will be on the Urban Scatter Gumroad soon.
Flank March Prepares For Cold War Brits

And finally, we’re stepping a little far away from the Ultramodern to the 1980s and an upcoming Kickstarter from Flank March Figures. This set of figures is designed to cover the UK forces during the late Cold War, armed with the SLR, GPMG and more. If you want to get your hands on the STLs, you can sign up for the Kickstarter to be alerted when it goes up.

However, if you want some figures cast in metal, you are in luck! Full Metal Miniatures showed off some figures in the flesh at Cavalier last weekend and are already offering some packs in their store. Another great addition to the Cold War landscape!

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Of course, if you are a REAL news fan, there is a brand new tier called, shockingly, News Fan. For £5 a month (or £1.25ish a news post), you can guarantee you’ll get your weekly dose of news updates.
If you think the news is only okay but would like to see me actually do some hobbying, then you can join the Board of Shadowy Figures for £7.50. This group will, before the start of every month, vote from a selection of mini-projects I have in the pipe and tell me which one to work on this month. I’ll then do my best to work on it and by the end of the month report back with my success or failure in a little post. If that sounds exciting, it’s available for you!