Another Monday hangout (chatting with a fellow friend about how to make some more cultists for his Necromunda gang) but also, we got into the final week of assembly for my Enforcers! Yeah, I’m shocked as well. With a total of 16 plastic figures (and a secret additional set that arrived this week), this project is already a chunky one, giving me a sizeable group I’ve poured my ideas into. But enough of that, let’s take a look at this weeks work.
First step, the last two chunky boys. Sorry “Subjugators”. These two were both designed to be the backup for the Subjugator Champion from the last SITREP and so I went with some “club and board” setup for them. I also delved into my bits box and pulled out vehicle icons from an old Black Templar sprue. This ties into these lads being on the more religious side, while also breaking up the circular motif that dominates the normal enforcers. I also gave them the same masked head as their boss, tying them together as a squad.
Chunky Boy 1 has the beret/goggle/mask combo in a similar pose to his boss, ready to form a wall for corridor blocking/clearing.
Chunky Boy 2 is a bit more rough and ready, with headgear removed and banging his shock baton/stave against the shield. He also has a slightly different style of pistol on his armour, pulled from an ancient space marine box, which gives him a slightly tweaked look.
Now back to the normal dudes. After building all the cool guys, I had to make a set of Red Shirts to be ready to fill in the rest of the group when casualties inevitable happen. Combined with the fact I was reaching the end of the box, this is what I would call “the danger zone”, where the desire to finish off and a lack of fun bits leads to some… less visual exciting figures. This happened with my Intercessors pretty badly. However, this time I had a secret weapon – a crapload of parts from Anvil and a bits box
Standard bolter bro, but the bandana adds a little bit of personality to him. I’ve also added items across his chest, just to cover up the central motif the Enforcers have. in this case, putting them at an angle gives them a sense of movement
Similarly, another bolter character. This time though, I decided to use one of my Space Marine style bolters and show it slung, letting the character use the hand gun. The sling is just a simple tube of greenstuff, running around the body to hold the bolter in place.
One of my new favourites, time to setup another shotgun guy, However, after looking through my options, I found the arm holding the shotgun by the pump. By then taking the arm holding the manacles and clipping it down, I was able to make it look like he’s pushing shells into the loading door. The head position also makes it look like he’s heard a sound in the darkness of the hive (such as a horrible bastard with a flensing weapon) and is pausing mid-reload.
He also has a back mounted element, which I’ll cover below.
Now that I’d filled my basic gang (with a few low level replacements, I decided to have some fun. The Goonhammer review of the Enforcers explicitly mentions an unflattering opinion of the autopistols in the trading post. At the same time, it also floated the idea of a two pistol gunfighting champion. Which, although poo-poo’edby, sounded like a really fun idea. After pulling in the autopistol from the Subjagator sprue
When I first finished, the pose looked great, the guns were cool but… there was something missing. With another delve into my bits box, I found a cloak, stuck it over one shoulder and finally… I had her. I had a gunslinger. That said, I did then break out the green stuff to fill in the gaps and turn an arm cloak into a proper serape. I’ll admit, I did look at Overwatch’s McCree to get the basic idea (helped by the fact he’s similarly covered in armour) but I think the end results works out very well. We’ll see more once I put some paint on her.
After doing my constructions, I decided to go back and tweak a few other models I’ve already shown off. As well as adding the antennas I’d mentioned in my first post, I decided to add some additional armour elements to my Gang Leader and Champion. Pulling a piece from the Intercessor sprue (the mags for the Auto Bolt RIfle), I trimmed them down and added them to the rear of the armour. In my head, these are effectively an armoured sensor cluster/radio setup, just something to mark them out. In-game, they won’t do anything but it’s just a cool addition. Also yes, I need to trim down that mould line on the side of the box.
The final tweak to finished models was detailing on my sniper. I’d already included a cloak for them, but it needed a little more detailing. My plan was two-fold – build up the hood to smooth the join between armour and cloak, and then add strips of greenstuff to look like rags to break up the cloak itself. It’s only a really simple tweak, but I like it.
Now, I’ll admit, one of the things that brought me to the Enforcers was seeing the preview of the Forge World special character for them. Scruntinator-Primarus Servalen is a wonderful figure, an ideal offset to the large and armoured figures, with the pose and flowing cloak giving her a great sense of motion. Assembly was also really easy – there was a little bit of cleaning off the sprue with no major issues needing fixing. I did, however, do my little tweaks – swapping a head from one of the Anvil Industries PMC head (for the glorious sunglasses) and a small layer of green stuff over the chest plate to smooth out the circle and make it look more solid. She will play the role of “The Colonel”, one of the McNespy’s that run the outfit.
Doggo is perfect and needed no changes. I really like how this kit goes together, with a few sensible parts that fit together with barely any need for instructions. Having read through the rules, I’m very excited to see this guy on the board.
Well then 18 figures assembled, two boxes and a pile of spare parts I’ve assembled my gang. Even if I never actually get these guys on the table, it was a really good experience just building them all. The Necromunda kits are really good fun – even if the poses can feel a little bit restrictive you can usual bodge stuff to make it work. Adding the Anvil parts helped me to take them from the incredible designs from GW to something a little special.
Next step is painting. I’m still deciding the scheme, but I’m going to try and make sure it fits with the idea of a military/merc unit while still being slightly offset from the green I used for my Eldar Bounty Hunter. More details on that when I start putting brush to plastic!