A year later, the Regular Opponents and I planned out a game featuring tiny mechs. So of course, I had to print more buildings. And not just because Lazy Forger has been tempting me with more and more items from his incredible range as he’s been releasing them.
Disclosure time! – I’m on Lazy Forger’s test list meaning I receive models for free to help with development as well as providing feedback to him. He also is using this to lure me into playing more 6mm stuff like his award winning game Full Spectrum Dominance which is something I’m looking forward to getting into.

Now, when I say print, I actually mean a mixture of printing some new buildings and going through the pile of Medina and Asian City buildings I had printed after last year’s game. They survived almost a year and a house move but now would be put to work. I covered these in the past over on my first sitrep about how I prepare them. Print out, glue onto plasticard shapes, add some chinchilla dust and then get spraying.

And there we go, all on the bases. I went for a mixture of street sections and denser blocks for some variety. Combining these with the original long sections I did gives me a mix of terrain styles, both linear obstacles and big areas. I could have maybe made the central squares larger to fix a mech base in the middle but I don’t think it will be a major issue for the moment.

As for the new stuff, I actually got to have a play with some of the new fortifications being released tomorrow over on My Mini Factory. As well as an impressive gate house (that I had to put to one side due to a printing issue on my end) the main thing was playing with these wall and tower combos. They are lovely little pieces, giving you several variants of the watchtower and lots of wall pieces to play around with. As with all Lazy Forger stuff, I love just how much detail he’s managed to fit in on what could be really simple structures – there is bullet scaring and panel lines ideal for picking up a wash or dry brush. The towers also have seperate top pieces meaning you could swap out the searchlights for a simple blank top piece or even add some weapons. The supported files all worked great on my printer.

Overall they were pretty fun to play around with – the walls have some keying on them ideal for lining up with other wall pieces or using the buttress pieces to connect to the towers or other buildings. I really should have printed more end pieces out but I’m happy with these little corners that can be arranged around to form a ruined compound.

After painting up with a few spray cans (I’ll come back for some detail work later) all of my new buildings were ready to go in a box and be taken across Yorkshire for their first game on the table. I’m actually really happy with all the pieces I’ve got so far. The Lazy Forger buildings print perfect, are ideal for assembling some evocative surroundings and are packed full of detail. I’m going to add some buildings to the collection – I really like the look of the Asian city buildings but the Truss Bridges and Storage Warehouses are some of those little touches that any board needs.
And speaking of boards, lets go see these in action in another sitrep coming right after this one!