PAINT-REP 2 - Time for more Spectre Agents
Little update from my trip to Vapa
Exclusive to Patrons, the first look at how some of the mechanics of Project Elements are going...
It’s not every day that you receive a mysterious message from the Creative Regular Opponent to come...
Just a little post talking about the hot(ish) new(ish) thing, Halo Flashpoint!
Things are a little bit quiet on the Old World front it seems. As the New Year...
Let’s start this off with a strange statement: Somewhere in my collection, I potentially already have some...
Kicking off the year with the first PAINT-REP covering one of Spectre's Crisis Response Agents
Review of 2024, covering both my own feelings and recapping what I actually got up to.
This Week In ChargeBlog - Stalker 2, Printing Houses and Assembling Figures
Weekly hobby update - this week: printed figures, crowd funding campaigns and even a game!
A SITREP update covering a session of Open Combat against the Dastardly Regular Opponent
BPRE figures, a new project release from Combat Octopus and a shift in social media, all from...
SITREPs Returns with coverage of some terrain elements from Modern Miniatures.
The second part in a Patreon exclusive series that opens the archives and reveals the lore work...