It’s the start of a new week, so let’s take a look at all the latest updates from the world of Ultramodern Wargaming. We’ve got previews from Spectre, teases from Empress and much, much more!
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Spectre Miniatures Previews Upcoming Task Force Operator and Insurgent Reinforcements
First up, Spectre Miniatures shows off two sets of previews for upcoming releases, giving us a little tease of what’s coming soon.

First up we have a trio of Task Force Operators to add some firepower to your force. These guys, as well as their carbines, have some ripped-from-the-convention-floor items that match with the 5 minutes into the future tech that the TFO guys are running. From left to right we have the MBDA Enforcer (a lightweight shoulder-launched fire and forget multi-effect guided missile), the Rheinmetall SSW40 (a magazine-fed grenade launcher firing the more powerful Medium Velocity 40mm round) and the Spike SR (a disposable ATGM designed to kill MBTs). These guys are going to be a fantastic addition to the range, as well as pushing the envelope forward of what is available for wargamers.

Of course, you need a well-equipped OPFOR to go up against your Operators and that’s where the new Insurgents come in. Former patrons of the Spectre Patreon may recognise some of these weapon systems from releases back in August/September 2022 but the figures holding them are much more detailed. The weapon team is armed with an RPG-29, a favourite of MENA insurgents due to its capability to knock out armoured vehicles with its tandem warhead. It’s interesting to note both are armed with modernised AK as well as the launcher, with the loader on the phone being given targets. The figure on the right with the MP40 and the tank crewman helmet definitely looks like a character, ideal for having as the leader of your force. I’m really looking forward to seeing the rest of this range, as it seems from the figures we’ve seen so far that they definitely have a much more modern and better-equipped feel to them compared to the older Insurgent range.
Empress Teases Upcoming Ultramodern Range Coming Soon

Empress Miniatures is returning to the weekly updates it seems with a little tease. As part of announcing that they will be bringing the Moderns range to Salute on the 13th of April, they also mentioned a whole new Ultra Modern range is coming soon. It’s not guaranteed to be released. If I can make a guess (which if it’s wrong I’m sure Paul from Empress will tell me the next time I see him at a show), I think this will be a modern Ukrainian range – they already have a page on the store (with a small number of releases and a quite considerable intro), the sculptor will have been hard at work preparing figures for the theatre, while Empress already provides figures for the opposing side. Take it with a pinch of salt, but more details coming soon.
First Hints of Miska Miniature’s Next Kickstarter Appear

There have been rumblings from Miska Miniatures about their next Kickstarter, a follow-up from Zanganie Part 1 that brought a range of figures representing the conflict in the fictional Central African country. Well, we have the first pictures of models that will be in the Kickstarter, freshly painted by Bernd Diehl. Based on a comment on the original announcement post, it seems like this pack will be getting civilians on the board, with this preview showing a figure checking his phone and a Sedan for him to roll around in. No details on a release date yet, but watch this space.
Combat Octopus Prepares the Next Criminal Release

Combat Octopus, fresh off releasing the first pack of criminals, is now preparing the second pack. While the first pack was on the passive side, this set will be action-packed, all ready for combat. The first figure shown off is definitely on brand for this plan, firing a MP5K with one hand and a pistol with the other. The second figure is also pushing forward. The plan for this pack is to prepare a mix of action poses and tactical poses, all ready to give you a good toolbox for building your own set of ruffians.
Turnbase Miniatures Shows February Release, Announces Plan For March

Finally, after a long time away, Turnbase Miniatures has returned with news and updates on what’s going on. After a difficult start to the year that has put them two months behind on delivering, Turnbase is going to make it right and get out some more releases. The first post announced that February’s release will be inspired by the SCP MTF units (operators fighting spooky boys) while March will be Iraqi Swat inspired by the film Mosul (a topic I’ve been interested in for a while).

Speaking of the MTF guys, here you can see some of the figures that have been assembled so far showing off some of the cool details. These guys are all masked up, along with Chimera Panoramic NVGs to really sell the modern look. Weapon-wise, they are running a gamut from the Vector and the MCX all the way up to (strangely, seeing as they already have a SCAR-H for the 7.62mm) the Ohio Ordinance HCAR. Overall they are looking like a slightly different variant of the Western Operator style, and I can see them being very popular.

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