Back to being on time and we have a new edition. As well as updates from Spectre, Combat Octopus and Flytrap, it’s also Adepticon week meaning that we have events for both BPRE and InCountry. Read on for more details!
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Shows Off More Previews And Releases More STLs

After last week’s bumper edition, it seems like Spectre Miniatures still had a few things left in the tank. First up, we have a brand new 3d printed addon for the LTV, the Cockrell CPWS. With a 25mm autocannon as the main gun and accompanied by a co-axial machine gun and a pair of ATGMs, this is a pretty impressive upgrade for the LTV, being more than the existing Land Warfare RWS by the fact it can also function as a turret for the crew inside, including reloading or unjamming the main gun while still remaining under armour or as an additional route to bail out of a damaged vehicle. This upgrade is not something that is vital from purely a gameplay point of view, but it’s cool to see Spectre making more options for building your force.

And speaking of options, the STL releases of the Russians last week must have done well as Spectre went STL crazy on Friday. We got 13 releases, covering both of the Local Forces (Squad and Support), the recent Tier 1 release, the Heist Crew, the Criminal Gang, the SWAT team and the entire Task Force Operator range (Assault, CQB, Fire Support, and individuals). As with the previous STL squads, these STLs cost the same as their physical counterparts, although there is no shipping cost.

Personally, I think this is fantastic news and this is an addition to the Spectre release plan that I am all for. Selling STLs alongside the physical gives you more options depending on how you hobby, letting you decide if you want the cast resin pieces or print them yourself (if you have the tools). As someone who is far down the 3D printing rabbit hole (to the point where I’m printing my figures at a slightly larger size for visual aesthetics) the ability to get STLs from Spectre is great – I’m happy to pay the cost of convince (print as many as I want, less issues with quality control or risk of damage during post) as it’s highly likely that without this option, I would be far less likely to pick up the latest stuff from Spectre. I really hope that this plan (as confirmed by Steve from Spectre on Facebook) continues and the community as a whole backs it (I.e. buying enough that it continues to be profitable).
Black Powder Red Earth Spearhead Will Be At Adepticon

Black Powder Red Earth will be at Adepticon with a special event for Spearhead on Friday (that still has a few spaces). This is a great chance to get your hands on the game and play with the people who know it the best, all ready to teach you just how punishing the game can be.
Remember also that the Black Powder Red Earth Spearhead launch discount is still available, although it will be ending soon!
Enemy Spotted Studios New Releases at Adepticon and Shows Off Next Month’s Tribes Release

Enemy Spotted Studios has two brand new forces coming out soon for InCountry. A brand new starter set will pit US Rangers vs Middle Eastern Mercenaries (both equipped with the latest and greatest equipment) and will be available first at Adepticon before later coming to INX’s store when it returns in April. If you’re a member of The Pack, you can actually get yourself at the front of the queue for these figures, as well as a few exclusives such as Wolf Squad.

Speaking of Adepticon, there is going to a pile of events through most of the event, with two learn-to-play games for BLKOUT as well as five different INCOUNTRY participation games. It will be well worth seeing what the different groups are up to and there seem to be a few spare slots if you want to join in.

Finally, next month’s TRIBES releases from INX is… pretty obvious who they are. From the bullpup rifles to the helmet covers, Enemy Spotted Studios are making a set of IDF soldiers, this pack comes with a light machine gun and an Anti-Structure Munition for knocking holes in things. This set will be available to anyone who is a backer in April, and that number on the end tells me we might be seeing more than just a single pack.
Empress Miniatures Releases Charity Figure

Fresh off the press, Empress Miniatures has announced that they are selling a charity figure in support of UNICEF’s work in Ukraine during the ongoing conflict. The figure chosen is a Ukrainian medic pictured at rest and is currently available from Empress’s store in the Modern Ukrainian section. Additionally, if you want to give more, Empress has provided a direct link to give.
Haywire Releases

The Solo Wargamer has been hard at work expanding his solo/co-op game Haywire with a brand new system focused around gamer’s second favourite things, zombies! Haywire Outbreak contains everything you need to lead your team of survivors to salvation, including different types of zombies, a wide variety of weapons and a smart system to model the zombie threat filling an area as players ring the dinner bell by going loud.
If you want to see how it plays, The Solo Wargamer has made a series of videos covering the game, all illustrated with a rather fantastic table and figures to play with. Or if you just want to jump right in, you can find the game (along with all the cards you might need) on Google Drive, completely free.
Combat Octopus Releases Criminals And Radicals Pack

Last night Combat Octopus released the latest pack, giving you four different poses for street criminals to add to your wargames. Having downloaded the release, CO has gone all out with this set – all four poses have multiple heads and both melee and firearm options, letting you set up a gang for your local police to deal with or heavily armed criminals that need an armed response. My favourite part however is the pile of hand options, giving you both left and right hand options for a selection of pistols and SMGs.
Flytrap Factory Unleash Ameoba and Show Off Bonus For Next Month

Finally, last week Flytrap Digital released the Amoeba Initiative, a six-man team of Russians operating on foreign soil. There is an interesting mix of weapons in the squad, with two PKMs, two suppressed AKs and a pair of AMB-17s for suppressed close-quarters work. They are heavily laden down with holdalls carrying other equipment, as well as a set of heads with watch caps and comms. These figures are out now for patrons so go sign up if you like the look of them.

We haven’t got a preview of next month’s figures yet but we do have some good news. Patrons in April will be receiving an additional figure in the form of a VBSS Navy SEAL! Commissioned by Paul Deehan (the same guy who commissioned a set of Navy SEALS from Spectre and are available here), this figure adds one final element to the collection of VBSS operators he been assembling, bringing an M16 with aimpoint optic on the carry handle and an M79 grenade launcher. He’s packed full of little details, inspired by pictures online and recreated by Anton. More pictures soon once it’s out but it’s great to see other modern figures from Flytrap.
I mentioned Adepticon, well it turns out I know some other people are going. The crew from Iron Dice Gaming are going and taking not one, not two but FOUR games. I’ve embedded their post detailing their shenanigans above but it sounds like it’s going to be a spectacle worth seeing, both for the literal pile of tiny planes I know Evan is bringing as well as the concrete monolith of the Grain Elevator that is being played over with both Bolt Action and Chain of Command (guess which one I’d prefer to play). Hopefully, they have a great time, and I look forward to more update posts once it’s over!

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