This week, not so much news from the usual big players that pop up in this article (at least, not news that I can share publically) but we have some exciting announcements to cover. New updates on Sangin V2, more Shanty town buildings and a new Patreon to sign up for? Read on for more!
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Gunslinger Unleashes a Deep Dive on Kojoti

Yesterday I put out the latest in the Deep Dive series for Gunslinger, covering the first release of Kojoti. It was fun to start getting more of the lore out there but perhaps even more fun was being able to do it with some fully painted figures alongside the text. These figures and photos were all done by Dan over at Desk-Ops and it’s great to see them printed, painted and on the table.
Sangin V2 Releases A Brand New Playtest

As if rising from the dead, the Skirmish Sangin facebook group has been updated with a brand new version of the rules. The last playtest ruleset was from almost three years ago and for a little while the project was put on hold as the authors go on with other projects.
Well now it’s back and we have a new version with a lot of interesting changes and tweaks. I’m going to do a full in-depth look at the changes (similar to what I did back for the previous playtest version) but from even a quick read, there are some very interesting tweaks that look to make the game run faster without losing many of it’s most interesting tweaks – in fact, there is a very interesting tweak to how Activations work, seeing as it’s now using a slightly difference resource that also plays a hand in how things like suppression work. Who knows, I might even get a game in.
Complex Terrain Releases New Buildings For Your Shanty Town

Complex Terrain, maker of several Shanty town items for 3d printing has released another three designs to intermix with your structures and build up your urban hell for fighting through. All the sets are modular, letting you fight room to room as well as varying up the structures you can assemble. Just be careful of the staircases…
Additionally, if you purchase all six of the designs above, you can use the code BARRIO23 for a 20% discount at checkout.
Urban Scatter Gaming Announces Patreon And Shows Off Previews

Well it’s finally happening – Urban Scatter Gaming is joining the world of Patreon. So far all we have to run on is this preview image, with no preview of what exactly is coming out. We have seen a few pieces for a mobile base over the last few weeks, so presumably that will be the first pack.

Oh, and we do have this little preview of a wheeled drone (in an image named “PatreonX”). Stand by for future updates as more is revealed!
Modern Miniatures Releases Backpacks

Modern Miniatures is hard at work for his Patreon release in November but he managed to spare some time to release this set of military backpacks. With a few definitely inspired by the ALICE pattern of rucksacks, this set is pretty great for adding to your figures, either on them themselves or as stowage for various vehicles. You can find it on My MiniFactory.
Additionally, the Modern Modular Vehicles campaign has now finished, and many of the items are now available on MMF. Both models of police car and the SUV, as well as various addon pieces, would be well-suited for pretty much any table.
Turnbase Miniatures Releases October’s Figures

Finally, Turnbase Miniatures has released their figures for October. At Tier 2 you have the Street Gang above, armed with a mixture of shotguns, smgs and an AK as well as being impressively ripped. Tier 3 gives you a set of figures from the Post Apocalyptic “After The Fall” range, providing your Stalkers with some extra fire power (including a man portable .50cal). The links for these figures should have been sent out to all current Patrons.

If you want to support my work on gathering the news together, my Patreon is the best way to keep things going. With a minimal cost of £1 a month, every little helps to keep the news spigot flowing and to let me cover more of the suppliers out there.
Of course, if you are a REAL news fan, there is a brand new tier called, shockingly, News Fan. For £5 a month (or £1.25ish a news post), you can guarantee you’ll get your weekly dose of news updates.
If you think the news is only okay but would like to see me actually do some hobbying, then you can join the Board of Shadowy Figures for £7.50. This group will, before the start of every month, vote from a selection of mini-projects I have in the pipe and tell me which one to work on this month. I’ll then do my best to work on it and by the end of the month report back with my success or failure in a little post. If that sounds exciting, it’s available for you!