We’re rolling in May and we have plenty of exciting things to dig into. Combat Octopus has released his latest set, Spectre has shown off some upcoming heavy firepower and BobMack3d gets us ready for an upcoming Kickstarter. Read on for more!
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Previews More Technical Weapons

Not content with releasing a pile of heavy firepower for your technicals last week, this week Spectre Miniatures has dropped a preview of a M167 20mm Vulcan cannon. Based on images of a Toyota Land Cruiser that has been “upgraded” by the Houthis with a cannon stolen from the Yemeni Army, this is a serious piece of firepower (assuming you can keep the truck in one piece after the impact of 6000 rounds per minute slams into the suspension). This will be a fun addition to any technical collection, providing a frankly distressing amount of incoming fire if you have to go up against it. No news on a release date yet, so keep an eye on what Spectre is up to.

Spectre also got to show off some Eye Candy shots of their figures on a familar board. If you weren’t aware, the team at Spectre are friends with the Perry Twins (of Perry Miniatures) and do occasionally get a chance to access their giant table and all the terrain used for the various eras they produce figures for. We’ve actually seen a Spectre game played on this board. However, the big focus for this is more to show off one of Spectre’s greatest strengths – they know how to make some really good-looking shots to show off their miniatures.

Finally, hot off the press we have a Monday Instagram update. And what started off as merely a preview of a T-55 model (ideal seeing as it appears in the V3 rulebook) then turned into a full-on Q&A. Here are some interesting things I’ve managed to pull out:
- Next up on the Refresh list is MENA theatre (hopefully both militia and regular forces), Nomads (as teased last week) and Africans (fitting seeing as this year will be 10 years since the first figures were made). After that, we’ll get some updated Chinese, while updated Agents and DEVGRU are mentioned sometime in the future.
- Steve is very excited about the upcoming Nomad figures (always a good sign) and we have an update to the agents on the way.
- Other ranges mentioned as possibly coming are Aussies, UK Special Forces and Armed Police and Survivalist types.
- The Gulf War historical era has been in development and isn’t coming soon, seeing as the exact scale of the range is not yet decided.
Black Site Studios Releases Breacher Figures To Backers

Continuing my updates of the Breacher release from Black Site Studios, people who pre-ordered the digital edition should now have access to the STLs they ordered. I got the email last Thursday and managed to download them on the weekend. Having had a quick look, these are some nice figures and I’ve already got them on the build plate. They are larger than the Spectre STLs (so in Charge Scaling they are only 105%) but look suitably heroic. I’m very much looking forward to getting them printed off and on the table.
The arrival of these STLs should mean that those who ordered the physical editions will hopefully be seeing them soon, which matches up to the promised delivery date in June.
Bobmack3D Prepares The Cope Cages

Bobmack3d has continued with previews for the upcoming mini-kickstarter (re-named Russian T-72BM/T73B3) with an item that is somewhat iconic in recent years – Cope Cages. These structures are designed to protect a vehicle (with questionable efficiency) from top attack systems such as drone-dropped munitions, ATGMs and artillery. The preview image also includes two of the variants coming in the Kickstarter, with both the T-72BM 2011 and the T-72B3 2016, ideal for your modern Russian forces.
If you’re interested in getting your hands on this Kickstarter when it goes live on the 17th of May, you can find the preview page over on Kickstarter.
Fire! Modern Combat Wargame Previews US Rangers

Fire! Modern Combat is an upcoming ruleset that will be hitting Kickstarter soon (although it has been on soon for a while). However, they have also shown off a preview of one of the sides coming in their starter set – the US Army Rangers. This rendered figure, armed with the XM7 and wearing the usual high-speed operator kit will be one of a squad, so we can expect a few other figures to accompany them. More information coming soon.
Urban Scatter Gaming Waits For The Bus

Urban Scatter Gaming may have stopped his patreon but this hasn’t meant he’s stopped work on new ideas. First up is this bus stop set, bringing a bus shelter (with two variants letting you add your own glass if you have some clear resin) as well as addon parts such as the sign, bolt on rubbish bin and timetable holder and a lamp post. The aim is for this to be released this week (as soon as the test prints have passed QC) and will appear on the Urban Scatter Gaming Gumroad.
EDIT: This is now out and on the Gumroad, as well as a set of standees for Zombie games.
Combat Octopus Releases Octopods – North America and Western Europe

It’s release week for Combat Octopus and this time it’s the heavily armoured operators of the North America and Western European branch of the ficitonal Combat Octopods. As previewed over the last few weeks, these guys are heavily armoured and designed for close quarter battle. All four are wearing modern tactical clothing and plate carriers – in fact, all four come with alterantive torsos and lower plates, letting you scale how heavily armoured your team is. There is a literal pile of weapons avaliable for each of the sentry/relaxed poses ranging from the classic M4 CQBR and M4 with M203 up to the tiny MCX Rattler and the pop culture favourite the Masada.
A new addition in this release is a set of four non-modular figures, giving you some single piece models with pre-selected weapons and pouches that can be easily printed off. They are however missing heads so you can still select from the 8 heads included, with a mixture of options which are wearing Crye Airframe helmets with addon parts, such as GoPros or Contour action cameras, ballistic visors or the unique Chops protection.
If you want these figures now, you can sign up for the Patreon and download the figures now.
Next month’s figures will be the second part of this release, bringing additional figures in the fighting poses as well as more firepower – CO has already confirmed that an MG5 will be among the weapon systems on offer.
Turnbase Miniatures Releases Tier 3 items for March

After Turnbase Miniatures released the Tier 2 items from March last week, this week we have received the final items for Tier 3 – a pair of humvees for your team to roll around in. These vehicles use the same armoured turret with an M60 but the two hulls let you pick betwee the unarmoured and armoured vehicles. This should mean that all the March releases are done, so Turnbase can work on what’s coming next.

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