I spent most of the weekend away from home (mostly at the Tank Museum) but in the meantime, there seems to have been a fair chunk of updates going on in the Ultramodern world. From Flytrap Factory announcements to Kickstarter updates from Bobmack3d and Miska to previews from Combat Octopus, we have plenty of news to cover now.
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Releases New Gameplay Videos

Spectre Miniatures this week dropped a new set of gameplay videos for Spectre Operations V3, ideal for getting you into the game. The first set cover a few of the basic concepts such as Momentum, Engaging enemy elements and Close Quarters battle, with more videos coming soon. Additionally, the Errata/FAQ page has been upgraded with a few new clarifications and tweaks.
For the US gamers, Spectre has also announced that they will be attending Reapercon 24 at the end of August in Denton TX. They are attending alongside Black Site Studios and bringing some stock, but the main focus will be running demo and participation games to introduce players to Spectre Operations V3.

Finally, turns out that when I finished last week’s News Stand, there were still a few more Q&A posts to go. Nothing major from the answers but a few interesting points around things such as Modular kits, Cartel previews and more. I’m always a sucker for Mercenaries so the last image is especially interesting.
BobMack3d Launches T-72B Kickstarter

Bobmack3d launched their latest Kickstarter last Friday and almost IMMEDIATELY seemed to blow through the funding stage and has already passed the only stretch goal. This means that, if you join the Kickstarter today (or before it finishes on June 1st) you’ll receive three styles of the T-72b3 obr 2016 (including bag armour and cope cages), two styles of the T-72BM obr 2011 (including cope cage) and the T-72B obr 1989, with all styles coming with both stowed and unstowed version. This is pretty great for the price tag ($20) and if this pack is successful, it will be a good sign for future smaller Kickstarters from Bobmack3d so don’t forget to sign up today over on Kickstarter.
Miska Miniatures Kickstarter Rolls On!

The Zanganie Part 2 Kickstarter from Miska Miniatures has continued on, with the multi-part civilians being the latest stretch goal unlocked and getting very close to the multi-part Riot Police set (as seen above). There are still six days left on this particular campaign and with plenty of stretch goals still left to be unlocked (including pieces such as lethal weapons for both multipart kits), it’s time to get all your friends signed up on Kickstarter.
Urban Scatter Gaming Launches The NASAM

Free from the monthly releases, it seems Urban Scatter Gaming has been inspired to get some cool things released. Up this week, we have the NASAM or National Advanced Surface to Air Missile system, a modern SAM system in service with multiple nations around the world (including Ukraine and the US). The set is packed full of parts to let you build the launcher either in transportation mode or set up and ready to fire – you can even adjust the launch tubes by setting the doors as open, or closed or even taking the missiles off the rail to show they have been launched. This set is available right now on the Urban Scatter Gaming Gumroad, so grab it now!
Combat Octopus Previews Poses and SCARs

Month 2 of the Combat Octopods NAWE unit from Combat Octopus is coming along nicely, with two separate previews providing some more combat poses. These heavily armoured guys are having a mix of “shooting” and “advancing tactically” poses, including one scanning the rooftops. This release also includes a new rifle in the Combat Octopus catalogue – the SCAR-H! This hard-hitting battle rifle matches up to the team’s stated goals and will be a good addition to the bits box.
Flytrap Digital Reveals June Release – Dead Zone

Flytrap Digital this week announced what is coming to its patrons next month. Taking a step away from the factions in Solo Wargamer’s Haywire, the next release is something new titled Dead Zone.

Taking inspiration from near-future post-apocalyptic/post-localised-collapse settings such as The Division and Escape from Tarkov, the first release will provide a set of Sanctioned Operatives – highly trained and well-equipped operators to venture into the Dead Zone. Each figure is covered in specialist gear and high-tech equipment, nailing the look of these modern-day adventurers – I can see them being useful for a whole host of games outside the usual Ultramoderns such as Zona Alfa.

If you want these figures for yourself, they will be released on June 15th for all Gunslinger backers on the Flytrap Digital Patreon.
Modern Miniatures Previews Modern Cars Frontiers Campaign

Modern Miniatures has just announced a brand new campaign that will be coming in the next few weeks. Titled Modern Cars – 28mm STL Mega Set, we don’t yet have any details on exactly what vehicles will be included but based on the image above, we may have a few big things rolling our way. No further details are currently available but if you want to sign up and get a discount when the project launches, you can sign up on the Frontiers page right now.
Turnbase Miniatures Previews a Vampire

Finally, Turnbase Miniatures has continued its preview of the upcoming Frontiers project. The image above shows off Turnbase’s version of the Vampire missile system. There is no date provided for when the project is going to launch.

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