This week, in its new slot of Monday lunchtime (weekends are getting increasingly busy), The News Stand is taking a look at a WHOLE load of Spectre as well as a few other things that came in. Look, there is a lot for Spectre and I really shouldn’t have missed out on the stuff from last week because it’s a busy time for them!
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?

We’re in the midst of preparing this month’s Kojoti release (all the files are completed and are looking fantastic) but we do also have some very exciting news about Gunslinger SOG, our entry into the Vietnam era. We currently have the project waiting for final approval from Kickstarter but it should be launching very soon. Don’t worry about missing the early sign-up page, it will be reported here and everywhere else Gunslinger-related.
Spectre Does All The Things – Halloween, Beta Rulebook and Task Force Operators
Spectre Miniatures went all out this week, so lets talk about some of the figures from last week that I missed. Ooops.

This Iconic Killer Crew was a Halloween surprise and luckily one that is sticking around as a permanent part of the range. This pack, part of the criminal element range, decorates your hardened criminals with masks from a whole host of horror movie characters, each with their own unique weapon. Jason returns to the 1980s with the SPAS-12, Ghost-Faced Killer rolls the AA-12, Michael carries the classic M16 (appropriate for an old timer from the 1970s) while Leatherface goes all out with the M249 SAW (just not the KAC Chainsaw, that might have been a touch too on the nose). This is a good solid little set if you play Cops and Robbers with Spectre and I can see a lot of people having fun painting them. The set is also a print-on-demand release, so no need to worry about it running out of stock.

At the same time, to deal with these dastardly criminals, the American Police STL set released a while back has been added to the store also as a permanently available print-on-demand set and received a painted photo to show them off.

THEN early last week we got our hands on the first public look at the Beta PDF from Spectre Operations V3. Distributed as a Google Drive file with download and printing permissions turned off, this PDF looks incredibly slick and polished – the layout work by Black Site Studios and use of Spectre’s assets (both painted and renders) definitely has me looking forward to having the final product in my hand. There are still a few things to be checked and tweaked, with feedback being passed to Spectre via email and their Discord.
I’ll provide a coverage piece once we get the final version, hopefully before the end of the year.

Finally, and honestly the biggest news, Spectre Miniatures this week released Wave 1 of the updated Task Force Operators range. Split into three four-figure packs (CQB element with M4 pattern rifles, Assault element with the MCX Spear in 6.8mm and Fire Support with a selection of MGs and Marksman rifles) accompanied by four individual pieces, this 16-figure range provides you with some bleeding edge operators to take to the field. There is a nice variety in the little details on this set and it’s quite obvious this is a range that the team at Spectre have enjoyed researching, designing and sculpting. The entire release is coming as multi-part cast resin pieces, with the NVG options (Quad or binocular) available separately as Print-On-Demand sets
Combat Octopus Shows Off More Bodyguards

Continuing the previews for pack 2 of Combat Octopus‘s VIP/Bodyguards theme, we’ve got two more poses for the action shots. The plan is to include two figures armed with pistols and two armed with the SMG. As you can see, both of these are looking pretty great and are going to be ideal to mix and match the pieces around for even more variety.
In addition, the next theme after these figures have been completed has been announced! Combat Octopus is returning to Russian things to do a set of Russians in Chechnya in the winter. CO himself has described it as “Winter clothing, obsolete gear and a lot of stress.” which will definitely be a set worth keeping an eye on.
Urban Scatter Gaming Shows Printed Patreon Exclusives

After showing off the Patreon exclusive releases last week, this week Urban Scatter Gaming showed them off printed out this week. As part of this, it’s been announced that the set will include a resin printable flying stand for them which as you can see above looks pretty great!
Turnbase Miniatures shows off Advanced Operators

Turnbase Miniatures has also shown more previews for… Advanced Operators? I have no idea what this theme is supposed to be (and probably won’t know until the final release). Either way, these guys wouldn’t look out of place in the latest Modern Warfare multiplayer game.

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Of course, if you are a REAL news fan, there is a brand new tier called, shockingly, News Fan. For £5 a month (or £1.25ish a news post), you can guarantee you’ll get your weekly dose of news updates.
If you think the news is only okay but would like to see me actually do some hobbying, then you can join the Board of Shadowy Figures for £7.50. This group will, before the start of every month, vote from a selection of mini-projects I have in the pipe and tell me which one to work on this month. I’ll then do my best to work on it and by the end of the month report back with my success or failure in a little post. If that sounds exciting, it’s available for you!