I took a break over the last week, extending out a little weekend trip down to London into a full on time off. I will admit, I did originally intend to do a whole lot of painting ready for my Old World weekender but in the end, I was busy doing other things – seeing family, nipping down to London to watch AEW’s All In at Wembley and just getting some sleep. The last few months have been pretty stressful and it’s been playing merry hell with me actually getting some rest. Hopefully, my little break is going to help out with that!
The MDF sales are still up – I’ve shifted off the first load to a fellow wargamer down the road and hand-delivered them! It was actually a really good afternoon off – as well as buying the buildings I also got a cup of tea and a chance to chat wargaming for a couple of hours – always pleasant! In fact, we were having so much fun chatting I ended up having to enjoy the delights of the M62 at rush hour.
Back on topic for sales though, I’m going to start working out how much postage is going to cost to try and open up for more sales interest. I’m also going to be pushing the details wider, so if there is something you’re interested in, grab it quickly before some random wargamer from Leeds picks it up.
Last week I also wrote up my big plan for the rest of the year, as well as showing off a few plans for the rest of the year. It’s definitely not the heaviest year for Ultramoderns, but this year does feel to me very much like getting myself ready for next year where I have some big things planned. This does mean I should probably list my metal figures at some point…
Finally, for the big things, I made a Patreon exclusive post. Basically I went on a thought exercise while driving up and down the country and started thinking about how I’d run ChargeDog Miniatures. A lot of it is mostly inspired by frustrations I’ve had with other companies or things I personally would want. Plus, it comes with an example range for the Albion Infantry in the Fourth Albion-Bazi War – which means now I’m thinking more about other conflicts in the ChargeReal!
If you want to give it a read, the password to access it is available over on the ChargeBlog Patreon. It’s available to all paid patrons so for as little as £1, you can take a read at the idle thought experiment I’ve come up with.
So what did I actually do with my hobby time apart from writing stuff?

First up, my plan to re-arrange the office has reached the next stage – in my quest to remove all the MDF I can find, I’ve removed the stack of drawers that originally had paint in and now replaced with a pegboard arrangement. This is using a Skadis board from IKEA with a set of 3D printed holders (for Games Workshop and Vallejo) plugged in. It took me a little while to get them all printed out but I’m very happy with the final result. Also, I now have a hard limit on how much paint I can store.

Speaking of the 3D printer, the Neptune has been hammering its way through a selection of items, and I’ve then got to work painting on them. Some fighting positions for Ultramodern, the Sector Fatalis from Dragon’s Rest (which only took me two goes to get the right base tiles that let you slot the buildings in) and three buildings from Hexegarde. The Neptune is a great printer for what I need it for, good enough that I genuinely thinking about a second one so I can run prints in parallel – important once I’ve sold off all my MDF!

As for actually painting well… I got these guys more ready? I’d say they are roughly at the wash stage – all the basic colours are in place, they just need a few touch-ups before I’m happy to start the Nuln Oil. I will admit, I wanted to get more done but my brain just wasn’t quite there to sit and paint – there were too many other things distracting me. The good news is that my Regular Opponents will let me play with unpainted figures and (once I’ve got a family event out the way this week) I should be more ready for some painting time.

Oh yeah, and this turned up I guess. By this, I mean I nipped over on a nice sunny Saturday to Leodis Games to collect one-half of the gang – the other half I’ll be grabbing today, straight from the Travelling Man warehouse.
That’s it for this week, with a new update coming next Sunday.