New year, new edition of the News Stand. With a brand new year, we’re going to change a few things up.
Starting with the release day of this very series. Although this week’s post was released late due to technical issues (my keyboard died and I’m not typing this up on a laptop or my phone), The News Stand will now be coming out on Tuesday evening – the reason for this change is that Additionally, the News Stand will be focusing entirely on Ultramodern topics, with some leeway allowed for elements that offer something for the Ultramodern Gamer (such as the recent past or the near future) – manufacturers will no longer be grandfathered in for alternative projects that are separate from the Ultramodern focus. However, I am a fickle writer and at the end of the day I decide what goes on the blog, so although it’s unlikely I’ll be covering Games Workshop news, you may see some other stuff pop up if it seems interesting in a separate section.
As for now, this post is going to be a bit of a recap seeing as the last News Stand was back in mid-December 2024 and a chunk of stuff came out from all the usual suspects. So sit down, get a drink and read on for the first edition of The News Stand for 2025.
As always, thanks to the News Fans and other patrons over on the ChargeBlog patreon for buying my time to make this wrap-up each week. If you like these roundups and find them useful, why not chip in on the Patreon?
Spectre Miniatures Drops A Pile of Releases and Previews

First up from Spectre Miniatures, we have a figure no longer available from them. Bad Santa was a Christmas exclusive, available right up until the 28th of December as either a physical figure or an STL. Looking slightly worse for wear and rolling with a Browning High Power, this looks like either a strange character for your police missions or the good Saint Nick gone a little bad. Anyone who ordered a physical print should be getting them soon, while those who missed out may (hopefully) see him return later.
However, the big release came on the 28th of December with a surprise drop to end the year. This set of releases hit across several areas, from new infantry to vehicle upgrades and even new terrain pieces.

In terms of new troops, we have some figures all ready for the battlefields of Eastern Europe. Pulling out the toys from wars past, the Partisan Fighters bring a collection of World War 2 and early Cold War weapons to the fight. With everything from the SKS and Mosin up to the STG 44 and MG42, this set of suitably rag-tagged fighters will add some perfect character to your Local Fighters’ forces. They are available in both Physical and STL options and are currently sitting on my painting table.
To accompany them, the Partisans have pulled out another old relic and wheeled it to the frontline. The Maxim is another weapon still soldiering on almost 140 years after its initial implementation. This gun has had a few tweaks, with an ACOG on the receiver and the operator in the prone actually using some ear pro. This set has both Physical and STL options.

For those of you with Russian Armour (or looking at the massive number of Russian vehicle profiles in the latest Frontlines expansion), you’ll be very happy to have some modernisation options for the BMP-1 and BMP-2. The BMP-1 has received an update to the BMP-1AM, bringing the BPPU turret (as seen on the BTR-80A) across to the venerable platform (much to the relief of the usual crewman who would have to run the smoothbore gun all by himself). This also has the benefit of replacing the underpowered gun and antiquated ATGM system with a modern autocannon, night vision optics and smoke launchers. This kit is available in both Physical and STL versions.
If you have a better base model to work from, the Berezhok turret upgrades your BMP-2 into the modern day. This turret takes the autocannon, upgrades the ATGM to the Kornet-M, upgrades the optics and adds a AGS-30 because apparently the design plan for the modern BMP is filling as much of the interior space with additional ammunition types (looking at you BMP-3). This kit is available in both Physical and STL versions.

Finally, we have a pile of new scenario elements for everything concrete. Three sizes of tetrapods, a set of dragon teeth and then three variants of a concrete wall, giving you half-height and full-height options. All of these have both Physical and STL options and can be found over in the scenery section.
With the new releases out of the way, let’s look at the previews they dropped over Christmas.

First up we have some new folks all ready for the Aftemath range. These three are definitely Eastern-focused, with various AKs combined with Soviet gas masks – the overall effect, combined with the various combined clothing options gives them a very strong STALKER vibe and will be great for anyone wanting to fight through the Zone.

Back in modern conflict, we have a pair of high-calibre support weapons. This Ukrainian trooper is armed with the DShKM-TK, a heavily modified version of the heavy machine gun intended for infantry use, with some modifications to help make it more usable (such as modified triggers and stock and a muzzle break). This modification is a very Ukraine-specific setup (first emerging during the war in the Donbas) so it’s a good pull for Spectre to add to the range.

On the opposite side of the field, the Russian Infantry are gaining the KORD HMG as one of their support weapon. This one is coming on the tripod rather than being lugged around, making it perfect for setting up a base of fire for your push.
There are no dates listed for any of these previews, but with new items for Mythos, Ukrainians, Russians, SAS and more already announced, 2025 is going to be a busy year for Spectre.
BobMack3d Prepares To Launch Lionheart

Since the last post, we’ve seen 5 of the six vehicles that will be available in BobMack3d‘s latest Kickstarter Lionheart, which will be expanding the previous option with a few more vehicles. Kicking off with the Challenger 1 last time, the last few weeks included some of the additional vehicles that may not be quite as iconic on the battlefield but are no less important to modelling the BAOR of the 1980s.
First up we have the FV102 Striker. Carrying a box of ATGM’s this vehicle shares the same hull as the Svoprion and Scimitar from the first Kickstarter making it a tiny adorable boy capable of popping vehicles across the board. Importantly for us modellers, the vehicle in the Kickstarter will, as well as having the stowed and unstowed options, come with the launch box in either the raised or lower position.

Not quite as sexy but much more useful in a variety of situations, the Bedford MK 4ton truck was a cornerstone of the British Army’s logistics from the 1970s until 2014. Although not designed for the battlefield, with the sheer level of behind-the-lines shenanigans that the Cold War would have seen, this vehicle will be ideal for a whole host of scenarios. Additionally, with a user list all over the world, these things can appear on other Cold War battlefields or even into the present day as civilian vehicles.

Not content with the recon options from the first Kickstarter, those of you who prefer wheeled recon assets will be happy to see the British pulling the Ferret out of the bag. With a list of wars stretching from the 1950s up until the present day (I feel sorry for the poor devil driving one around in Ukraine), the list of uses for this lightweight 4×4 armoured car is massive. For the style of skirmish I like to play, one of these would be ideal for throwing the wrench in the plans of some pesky covert types. As well as the turreted version, it’s reported that we might see some other versions without it, but seeing as the hull is made, I wouldn’t be surprised if something else appears further down the list (and brings with it a weapon system we’ve already seen). No confirmation on that, but I’ll place my bets!

We’re still missing the final main model (although having looked at the other options and what’s missing from the British arsenal, I have a guess what it might be) but we have been shown the Turbo Backer model, designed to provide those who contribute a little bit extra something special. Annoyingly, as someone who has missed the Turbo Backer level the last few times, this vehicle is one I really like. The FV432-30 marries the FV432 APC with the turret from the Fox armoured car. Designed to give the isolated force in West Berlin a little more firepower in case the Cold War went hot, only 13 of this IFV-ish design were constructed. Ideal if you wnt to paint the funky camo of the Berlin Brigade (but also ideal if you want something odd for your alternative universe setting) this vehicle will only be available to those who Turbo Back, with no future release planned.
The full Kickstarter will be launching at the end of this week (roughly). If you want to know the moment it goes up, you can find the pre-launch page over on Kickstarter.
Echelon Software Is Hitting The Road

Big news from Echelon Software (the makers of BPRE28 and the Black Powder Red Earth graphic novels). They are hitting the road for two currently announced events. This Saturday (18th of January), the team will be at Your Hobby Place in Alexandria for a demo game day. If you’re in the area and want to meet up with Series Creator Jon Chang and Designer Mike Durao (both great guys to chat with), then get down there between noon and 5pm for games, book signings and more.
In addition, if you’re going to Adepticon and want to play, BPRE28 will be there. As well as a vendor slot at the show, there will also be a gaming event on the evening of Friday March 28. Designed as both a how-to-play and to allow those more experienced to hit the table, this event will cover all three modes of BPRE28 including Raid, Phase Line and the last released, Spearhead. Tickets are currently on sale and there are still a few spots left, so don’t miss out on booking over on the Adepticon website
Urban Scatter Gaming Releases So So Much
In a move that has made me shift my hobby goals from the green fields to the dense urban sprawl, Urban Scatter Gaming has released even more items to expand the MENA range.

First up, something free! This small ruin was released on Gumroad for free as a celebration of Urban Scatter Gaming hitting 1000 followers on Facebook. This lovingly detailed ruin is actually a tease for a larger ruins set coming soon and really shows off what USG has been doing so far. From the ruined walls to the damaged fittings such as the drainpipe and the electrical box, this ruin is a great place to start with looking at the USG MENA range.

And what is this important? Well, it might be because there are two other releases to add to the rapidly growing collection. MENA Building 1 is a modular kit, designed to give you a multi-storey building to line the streets. Complete with interior details to fight through, the kit includes a lower floor, an upper floor (that can be repeated multiple times if you want to increase the height) and two roof options, this will let you build up a variety of buildings to really sell the “urban jungle” style. This release brings the MENA building options up to five intact buildings, covering everything from isolated buildings and mosques to multiple options for dense urban structures. This set is available over on Gumroad.

Buildings are one part of the urban puzzle but its the walls that will really affect how you fight your way through an area. MENA Wall 3 provides another option for Middle Eastern boards, expanding out the two previous options (decorative and archaic) with a much more decorative option. Putting all of these together, you can really theme your tables, letting you nail those extra details to help tell the story of where you’re fighting through. Much like the previous walls, this new set includes walls with varying levels of damage, ranging from perfectly intact and only slightly shot up down to almost torn apart by gunfire and explosions. Each type includes a mixture of details too, such as decorated obstacles at the top to prevent intruders, mouse holes to fight through and even the exposed rebar once the fighting has got hard enough. This set is designed for both resin and FDM printing, letting you churn out plenty of walls to get them on the table. If you want this for your own board, you can find it over on the Urban Scatter Gaming Gumroad.
Black Hills Games Releases The Tears of The Sun Team

In a move that was eagerly anticipated by everyone who saw the poll results, this month saw the release of the SEALs Jungle Ops team by Black Hills Games. Heavily inspired by the team of operators from the film Tears of the Sun, this team includes a mixture of assault rifles, LMGs, grenade launchers, a marksman and even a sneaky fellow with his suppressed pistol out. I think that BHG has done a great job of nailing the look of the team, especially getting the head sculpt of the team leader spot on. This is a good start to the year for Black Hills Games, and I can see him getting better and better from here. If you want your own set, you can find the figures over on the Black Hulls Games Gumroad. The next release will be UN troops, will more details coming soon.
Combat Octopus Drops Off Some Goodies and Previews Some Baddies
Fresh off finishing his US inmate release, Combat Octopus has been busy working on a few releases and already looking forward to the next full pack.

The latest of the loyalty rewards (destined for those with over six months on the Patreon at Corporal level or higher) is a great addition for those who enjoyed the Eastern European Deniables team. This pair gives your team some heavy firepower – one of the fighters carries the RPG-7 launcher and additional rounds while the other is ready for some urban warfare carrying the RShG-2 thermobaric launchers. Both figures come with low-profile and high-profile torso options and can be armed with either the AKS-74 rifle or the AKS-74U carbine. I can see them being very useful on the tabletop (especially in a lightweight force) so it’s time to get signed up and start earning those months.

This year’s figure released to end the year was a special one. With 2024 being 30 years since the start of the First Chenchen War (and the 31st being the anniversary of the First Battle of Gozny), CO has released a figure to commemorate the war. This free release depicts a soldier taking a break from fighting to play guitar and comes in two parts to allow for a more variety of uses. The ammo box is eternally useful, while the figure could be seated on a BMP or elsewhere. This is also a great chance to try out Combat Octopus’s figures for yourself and take a look at some of the great stuff he’s been releasing. This figure is available over on MMF for free.

Finally, we have the January release. Expanding out the initial Eastern Deniables, the sets for January and February will provide a slightly more wintery version of the initial concept, with padded jackets and hoodies joining in with the Eastern European chic. The first two figures have been shown off above (with heads from the Criminals release) and you can see this first set will be ideal for creating the various shady guards your covert team will need to avoid. As with the first two sets, each figure will come with both low-profile (as seen above) and high-profile torso options with a mixture of vests and SMERSH rigs. A third figure has been mentioned coming soon, with an RPK mentioned as one of the options. These figures will be a little delayed from the usual release date (although I wouldn’t be surprised if Combat Octopus officially moves to a middle-of-the-month release like Last Sword to make things easier) but they are going to be well worth the wait.
Goggles Miniatures Previews Hokum And Releases Humvee and More

Goggles Miniatures has announced that we’ll be having a visit from the KA-52 Hokum, soon to be released on his Patreon. This two-seat attack helicopter is a heck of a model and should be a great centrepiece for the table, either as a flying gunship or something sitting on the ground to be fought over. The 17th is mentioned as a date to be excited about, so stand by if high-tech Russian gunships are your thing.

However, if you want something to play with now, Goggles has released two vehicles via the Patreon store. The Humvee will be familiar if you have been hanging around the Ultramodern Gaming Discord but the BMC Kirpi (a Turkish APC) should be something new to play around with. Both of these vehicles are multi-part with a variety of options for both vehicles such as weapons at a bare minimum or (in the case of the Humvee) multiple sets of doors and hulls. There is also a common peg system used across Goggle’s vehicles, allowing for a wider variety of vehicle options. Both of them are currently available in the Goggle Miniatures’s Shop and are well worth a look.
Modern Miniatures
Finally, we get to Modern Miniatures. A new month means new releases and as is tradition, Modern Miniatures had the files up before some of us had recovered from the New Year’s hangover.

For the figure releases, this month was part 2 of the Biker Gang. This time around, these guys are packing heat with a mixture of AR-15s, shotguns and dual-wielding pistols. As before, these figures have modular heads, ideal for customising your own gang of outlaws.

For the scenario folks, this month is all about construction. As well as a set of scatter pieces such as pipes, cable reels and bricks, the big ticket items are all the vehicles to assist. The loaders are adorable, with both wheeled and tracked versions to move stuff around. Meanwhile, the Utility truck is something I can plenty of use for, either on the constitution site or providing cover for more sneak operatives. Finally, there is an open construction container to fight around, with opening doors to add some variety.

Next month’s release is well on its way, with a modular Soviet house being assembled for the terrain tier. As you can see in this WIP photo, the building is being prepared for resin printers to get the best level of detail, with an easy print FDM roof frame to allow for a variety of 3D printed tiles or other materials. There will also be a lower-detail FDM print for those without the resin printer along with a pile of other options. If you want this, it’s worth keeping an eye on the Modern Miniatures Patreon.

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