Let’s start this Wargaming Week, covering the 11th through to the 18th of March.
This week’s post is took a look at 4Ground’s truly titanic Pylon. This wasn’t the post I originally planned to release but unfortunately I managed to lose the recently repaired barrel on one of the Spectre Green Beret guys and didn’t want to do an impressions piece on a partial squad. On the other hand, the pylon is a fantastic piece of scenery. Not sure it’s going to to be used a huge amount but it’s definitely something that screams “modern day” more than anything else.
This week is a double post week – I’m still deciding what exactly is going to be Wednesday’s post (from what’s on my workbench) but Friday will be a new battle report for Skirmish Sangin. I’m getting a few new toys on the table for it.
A little quieter on the news front – main thing is the T14 from Empress is now released and on their store on the vehicles page.
There is also a quite interesting terrain project kicking off on GoFundMe. Panda City One looks like it’s going to be a really simple way of building a large urban environment to the exact specification you want. These blocks are similar to KoD’s Tabula Rasa range in that they are designed as a starting point – once the core structure is assembled, there are lots of opportunities to extend them, in both dimensions and style. There is also some larger multi-storey buildings, complete with access to the individual floors. I’m interested in this project – just have to work out which package to choose! Again, it’s URL is at https://www.gofundme.com/28mmterrain
No gaming in the last week – work has been a kicker. I did however manage to get down to the wargames club to pick up some bases. While I was there, I did notice this rather nice board being run by Angus (of various historical writings fame) featuring some piratical looking chaps. You can see his report over at his site, Edinburgh Wargames.
As said above, I’m running a game this week at the club using Skirmish Sangin. Not 100% finished planning but the current thinking is a US Army squad raiding an insurgent position in the badlands of Bazistan.
After last week’s pile, nothing this week.
The Hammerhead Empress Order arrived on Monday. As part of it, a second M-ATV arrived. I love just how colossal these vehicles are and so my plan with this second one is to build it as a M1245 vehicle. These share the same basic chassis but with some major changes to the rear section. Luckily I have a stockpile of plasticard, some handy reference photos and a few days off work just before Easter where I’ll be building up the armoured cargo section. There was a lot of resin cut away, including the wheel arches (which are a different style to the standard M-ATV). Here is to hoping I can reassemble it into something cool looking!
So here is my workbench on Sunday night. As you can see, there is a big pile of figures waiting to based up – both Empress’s Taliban (they got bikes) and White Dragon’s new Courage in Contact models. Expect some impressions on them coming cool. The Courage in Contact guys are especially interesting and getting them done should be pretty exciting.
That’s it for this update, expect more updates next week!