Let’s start this Wargaming Week, covering the 23rd through to the 29th of July.
July’s month of Range Impressions is over with one last post looking at the Bundswehr from Empress. Now technically this is an impressions piece but shush, it’s looking at plenty of figures so it counts. I am so glad I got these done – they have been sat on the workbench partially painted for a while but I just had to push myself to actually put some time aside to get ready to do the camo. Having my holiday week off really helped refresh my joy of painting.
It’s been a while since I last reminded everyone of various links to other ChargeBlog things. I’m relatively active on various platforms so often you’ll see WIP elsewhere that you might not see here.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChargeDog
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/chargeblog/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ChargeBlog/
Lead Adventure Threads:
Modern: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=97949.0
Fantasy: http://leadadventureforum.com/index.php?topic=110960.0
White Dragon Miniatures are now showing off their next set of releases – some Taliban OPFOR for your Brits to fight. I quite like the look of these – there is some nice variety in the figures in terms of headgear and clothing. I’m looking forward to seeing them come out.
Tiny Terrain also some news promising releases coming soon! It’s finally time for the figures that were part of the Chechen War kickstarter (sculpted by Igor) to be available to the general public. Keep an eye on their facebook page and website for when they go live.
Finally, by the time you read this the LAV-III pre-order from Full Battle Rattle will be over. Standby for final update soon.
I bought something for side project 2. Kill Team fever is in full effect. I grabbed a box of Intercessors and the Deathwatch details pack to get my kit started. I also grabbed the digital version of the rules and spent Saturday morning in bed reading up on it.
Obviously the main thing this week was getting the Germans finished off. I actually covered most of the painting in the post itself so time to talk about other things.
Wait these aren’t modern guys. I got all of my Frostgrave soldiers built up and ready to talk about. If you look closely you can see I had a good time using bits from the Cultists and Barbarians frames on the soldier bodies. More details in a post on Side-Project Wednesday
No, hang on these aren’t modern either. On a roll from the plastic glue, I ended up assembling a chunk of the box of Intercessors. These marines are definitely a bit more involved than the old Space Marines but look so much better. Except a post coming soon about these guys and Kill Team.
I also got some paint onto the Strykers that have been sat on my desk for over a year. It would be nice to get these things ready soon so when I get back to wargaming I can get an armoured convoy out.
That’s it for this update, expect more updates next week!