Let’s start this Wargaming Week, covering the 10th through to the 16th of June.

New post this week (only just) looking at the Drone systems from Spectre Miniatures. I think none of these are required to play ultramodern wargames but having them lets you expand out what you can get up, giving you more options on the table top when building you scenarios.
It was E3 so lots of gaming news. However, ultramodern wargaming wise, things are pretty quiet… For now.
No purchases for wargaming this week – I’ve been upgrading my PC and then getting ready for my 1:1 scale wargaming event next weekend and so needed to get ready to operate. More details on all of that stuff next week!

Painting! First of all, I finished off the two drone operators this week. First of all the Tier 1 operator – I love these guys, especially because the painting is always so easy with the single block colours. In addition, I really like the details on him, and getting them picked out is always fun.

Similarly, painting up the insurgent drone operator was also pretty quick, ideal with plenty of block colours. This also another figure that I managed to crank out while at work.

Finally, I’ve started digging through the big pile of MDF I have and began building them. First up is Sally 4th’s airport. This is a wonderful little kit, slightly delayed due to missing a few pieces (probably during some move with them). However, replacements are on the way. At the same time, I’m already looking at some other elements, just to get the board full of buildings ready to go.
That’s it for this update, expect more updates next week!