Well, everyone enjoying the isolation?
Empress are still putting out new releases during this trying time. Including one I’ve been long awaiting, the Vickers MMG team for the Late War Brits! As someone whose Chain of Command games usually rely on taking the Vickers as a must-have support option, seeing a version now available for my specific style of troops is definitely reducing the barriers in the way of assembling a chain of command force. As you can see, it’s in the same great style as the rest of the range. I will definitely be picking a pair of these up to really be able to lay down the fire on the Boche.
Empress has also released the first few packs of the Vietnam ANZAC range. Although originally intended to be part of a complete release at Salute, due to change in circumstances the first two releases are out now. Additionally, the post above includes other photos of the rest of the range, such as command packs and even a casualty set. Overall, the full range should be a great addition to anyone playing the period, so use this time to buy the first two packs and work out your paint schemes!

Despite being at home, I have to admit my hobby time hasn’t been much greater than usual – between getting used to the new routine and the collection of games that have been stealing my attention (thanks to more friends staying at home in the evenings), I’ve been a little distracted. On the other hand, I’m just starting to get on track, and having a pile of models next to me means it’s easy to do a little bit during my downtime.
At the moment, my project is getting my pile of US Marines painted. I’m still working through the test fireteam so it’s slow going but it does feel nice painting more.

Of course, painting is only half the journey. Despite the fact I haven’t got anyone to play with, I have been taking full advantage of the fact I can actually put up layouts and leave them in place by assembling towns to fight over. Today’s edition is using the Sarissa Colonial buildings, most of which are still only basecoated and missing the detail paintwork. I’m also using a blue tint on my light, giving it a little bit of night time feel.
Any feedback will be gratefully taken and maybe at some point I’ll actually play over it.

Despite being in lockdown, I actually received my orders from Spectre last week. Alongside the Babe Yaga, Insurgent MMG and the Aftermath team, I also have a pair of stickers that Spectre included. Expect to see the figures painted up at some point – I think the Baba Yaga could be a quite fun project, perhaps in a different colour suit.
That’s it for this update, expect more updates next week. Keep safe everyone!