This Week In ChargeBlog - Stalker 2, Printing Houses and Assembling Figures
Weekly hobby update - this week: printed figures, crowd funding campaigns and even a game!
BPRE figures, a new project release from Combat Octopus and a shift in social media, all from...
Weekly update time - this week, some inside baseball and more 3D printed bits.
It's Sunday so time for the weekly update, bringing you everything I've been up to this week.
An update on all the goings on with ChargeBlog for the week ending 06/10/2024 - blog posts,...
Remember how last week I managed to get a chunk of stuff done? Sadly this week was...
Patreon Updates, Necromunda gaming and assembling and even some printing included!
After last week’s cleaning, this week I actually got some more hobby stuff done. I’ve been learning...
Another week has gone by so it’s time for a new update. I’m going to be brutally...
Phew! I took a break over the last week, extending out a little weekend trip down to...
This week has been busy as hell with the day job so I haven’t managed quite as...
This week was a real mix – although the big thing was how much of it was...
We’re into a new month and we’re one step closer to the Old World game day I’ll...
This week hasn’t actually seen much hobbying unfortunately. Work has been busy, a few games got new...